8 Whips Forward Air 14" long With 1/8 Connector
This low pressure & flexible 8 whips are designed to clean all small flexible & insulated duct work to shine.
*** Forward Air = Pushes air away from the technician ***
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8 Flexible Air Duct Cleaning Whips Forward Air 14 Inch Long
- Product Code: 8FWhip1/8
8 Whips Forward Air 14" long With 1/8 Connector
This low pressure & flexible 8 whips are designed to clean all small flexible & insulated duct work to shine.
*** Forward Air = Pushes air away from the technician ***
- Product Code: 8FWhip1/8
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: 8 Whips whip Forward Air 14" long 14 inch 1/8 Connector 1/8 duct cleaning whip duct cleaning whips air vent cleaning whips air vent tools duct cleaning tools duct cleaning whip duct cleaning whips air vent whips air vent whip